It doesn't just take one person with a boatload of money to help. It can be many people giving a dollar, an hour, a lunch, a warm thought to make a difference. BE the Power of One.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Lunches for our Students
One of the goals for this year was to secure a consistent source of food for school lunches. In July, while in Haiti, Susan and I meet with some wonderful folks from Living Hope Haiti. Living Hope Haiti is based in Florida and has a number of schools in Haiti. Because of the number of schools they support Living Hope Haiti is able to get amazing pricing on food from Feed My Starving Children. Cost for the food is basically just enough to cover the cost of shipping.
This is another great example of NGO's working together to help alleviate different challenges in Haiti. This cooperation enabled us to achieve our goal of providing school lunches year round. Our friend Chedlin, who has worked with us for a number of years, has sent these recent pictures from the school. His efforts are greatly appreciated and we look forward to seeing him again soon.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Thank you Oakhurst Rotary Clubs
Our local Oakhurst Rotary Clubs keep stepping up. Last week the Oakhurst Sierra Sunrise Club's (a.k.a. The Morning Club) Board matched a $300 donation from one of the Club's members. This combined gift of $600 will pay for two full months of lunches for 110 students in Pignon. Then today Susan and I gave a presentation to the Oakhurst Sierra Rotary Club (a.k.a. The Noon Club). They were the spearhead club for the Pignon well project that was completed in October of 2011. We are proud to say that Haiti Outreach, our well driller, finished the well ahead of schedule and under budget. We and the community in Pignon are eternally grateful. The Noon Club, both as a group and individually, continue to be very supportive of our work in Haiti and we feel truly blessed. We had donations this afternoon that will cover the yearly school expenses for 3+ children. We are getting closer and closer to our goal of supporting the entire school population of 110 students. Both Oakhurst Rotary Clubs do tremendous work within our community and throughout the world. Susan and I are proud to be members, along with so many close friends, of these two dynamic groups of people.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
More About Lunches
This is part of the food delivery we arranged for school lunches. The food packets include rice, soy protein and spices. The kitchen staff typically adds beans and at times an onion sauce. We brought one of the packets home with us and will prepare it at an upcoming fundraising event. We have never had more than a small taste. As chaotic as our days can get with 200 kids, lunchtime is one of the most organized and calm times of the day. I think this calmness is in anticipation of food and out of respect for the kitchen staff's authority.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
School Year Lunch Program
One of our projects this year was to find a reliable and consistent source of food for school lunches. We have found that source and now have to work on raising the funds to support the lunch program. For about $300 per month we can provide food and pay for preparation of daily lunches for 105 students. That's 2310 meals per month for $300. So help us spread the word, we need 30 new donors @ $10 or 15 @ $20 or .....
Monday, August 6, 2012
Haiti 2012 Images
This is a typical street scene in Pignon. The concrete roadways are a new addition since last year and much of the town is under construction with the roads and a new drainage system being installed.
One of our Haitian students. She is taking a break from getting water from the new well which was drilled last October thanks to the Oakhurst and Tracy California Rotary Clubs. We had a nice dedication ceremony one evening that included a ribbon cutting and numerous singing groups.
This is a rice paddy several miles outside of Pignon. It is in such stark contrast to the greyness of Port-au-Prince. The countryside can be quite beautiful.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
A Long Reflection of Haiti 2012
So we’ve been back from Haiti
for about a week now. Back to where a cool place can be found, back to running
water and warm showers. It is nice to be home.
It’s curious to me that, at
least in the short term, mosquitos, broken cars and dusty roads, leave the
deepest impressions of Haiti. These are the subjects of stories we tell upon
arriving back in the States. Eight hour waits while someone tracks down transportation
from Port-au-Prince to Pignon, hours on dusty roads where minimal air
conditioning feels like the greatest of blessings and legs dotted by mosquito
bites that with every scratch remind us we didn’t take malaria pills. These are
the memories that occupy the first days of being home. They have left their
mark and it is good to be home. It is
good to be comfortable, to be wrapped in all the things that we’ve become
accustom to.
Our Haiti trips are a chance
to step outside what our lives have become. A chance to reflect on why it is
that we have so much and others have so little. A time to realize that stuff
doesn’t equate to happiness or a fulfilled life. A chance to see old friends,
spend some time together and share how we have touched each other’s lives. A
chance to experience making a difference in a child’s life, in a community’s
wellbeing and in a student’s future.
Like each previous trip our
mornings and early afternoons were filled with energetic kids, singing songs
and doing craft projects at school. This year we made fans out of paper plates
and tongue depressors, about 50 kids got supplies to make their own jump rope,
we did a lot of coloring, we made edible bracelets with licorice whips and
fruit loops and had a giant bubble making session that the kids just loved.
During our “recess” the kids got to burn off some energy while the adults sat
in the shade and caught our breath. We did get plenty of opportunities to throw
Frisbees, kick a soccer ball and play catch. Many of the young students like to
hang around, and on, us during recess. We are still novel visitors to this
small town and we hesitantly enjoy the attention. Susan seems to be every
baby’s adopted grandmother and it is not uncommon for a baby to fall asleep in
her arms. This is a role that Susan seems to cherish. Tim keeps busy teaching
proper Frisbee techniques and intervening in the occasional scuffle. Anytime
the camera or video are taken out a chorus of, “mester, mester, photo” rings
out as dozens of kids rush to get in front of the lens. They are not shy. After
the photo, everyone grabs to see the picture while they laugh and point at the
image. Throughout the week one of the most popular points of interest is the
20” X 30” photo college we post from last year’s pictures. Students and parents
love to look at the images from previous years.
Again like last year, we had
six to seven young Haitian adults helping in the classroom. Without Jean-Ronel,
Benjamin, Fenel, Lenna, Marjorie, Sully and Chedlin we would not survive the first
two days. (It is being generous to
assume we’d survive the first day.) It is at school that the inability to speak
Kreyol or French is the largest detriment. We sometimes carry on conversations
with kids speaking Kreyol and us speaking English. The content of these conversations
is incomprehensible and unimportant. The connection is invaluable. With many
kids there is some basic communication that happens with a few words and lots
of gesturing. With others the communication is simply holding hands, placing
your hand on a shoulder or opening your lap as a comfortable resting spot.
It is the moments at school;
those hot, dusty, tiring moments that are the memories that last beyond the
first week’s return. It’s 250 Haitian kids screaming “OUI…OUI…OUI” when asked
if they want to sing the Hokey-Pokey again, it’s the smile of a young boy who
just figured out how to throw the Frisbee, it’s a small baby surrendering
itself into your arms, it’s seeing families drink fresh clean water from the
new well, it’s young girls posing for a photo with their best friends and it is
hearing from our Haitian friends how our time together has changed their lives.
I’m not sure we can
successfully convey to them how much they have changed our lives. Our trips to
Haiti have been profound. In a country where there is so much need we have
found friends that will give up what little they have so we can be comfortable.
They are gracious, generous, engaging and trusting. I often wonder if they
would enjoy the same reception visiting our country.
Two days after we returned
and after telling the car, road and mosquito stories to a close friend he
asked, “Why do you put yourself through this?” It was a simple question that
stopped me cold. It is a question that we regularly ask ourselves throughout
the week in Haiti. I’m sure it is a question we’ll ask ourselves again.
The answer is simple, we do
this because it makes a difference. It makes a difference in our lives and more
importantly it makes a positive difference in others lives. It is our way of
creating a ripple that will touch more people than we can ever imagine. Thank
you all for supporting us and giving us this amazing opportunity.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Tired and Glad to be Home
Thanks Lauren Madden for posting our text messages from Haiti on our Facebook page. We got home late Sunday and are REALLY glad to be back to our home, family and the comforts of living in the USA. We'll get pictures posted as soon as we get settled in. Lots of typical Haiti stories including a 60 mile round trip, to arrange monthly food deliveries, to the school in Pignon, that took nine hours and included 4, count them, 4 blown tires!
A very special note...Jean Ronel is so excited and thankful to everyone that contributed to his college scholarship. He takes off for school in St. Vincent August 28th and will not return to Haiti for two years. It just costs too much to travel back to Haiti for summer or holiday breaks. We will miss him dearly next trip.
A very special note...Jean Ronel is so excited and thankful to everyone that contributed to his college scholarship. He takes off for school in St. Vincent August 28th and will not return to Haiti for two years. It just costs too much to travel back to Haiti for summer or holiday breaks. We will miss him dearly next trip.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Countdown Begins...
This month has been about planning for the future and
getting ready to travel to Haiti.
Last week, we were honored to have a professional
documentary filmmaker interview us while two talented young camera operators
recorded. Even the lighting was provided by a lighting technician in "the biz". All four donated their services,
providing rough footage that will be used to produce a professional quality
short film documenting our efforts.
We’ll include footage from our time in Haiti and use the documentary to
promote Be the Power of One. We’re
especially excited about this project and will share more information as it
Still, we are looking
forward to arriving in Pignon, seeing our friends and a couple hundred smiling
faces of the children.
Tim and I can’t thank everyone enough for your support, both
financial and emotional. As always,
pictures and stories upon our return.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
A Very Busy Month
This last month has been very busy for us with fundraising events, big decisions from the Board of Directors and making plans for this year's trip to Pignon.
Our May 4th "Wine and Art Event" at Cool Bean Cafe in Oakhurst, CA was a fun and tasty evening with 40-50 folks enjoying some award winning local wines and hearing the story of Be the Power of One. The main fundraising focus for the evening was to build support for our Higher Education Scholarship program that supports post high school educational programs for deserving students. In April the Board of Directors took a bold step and committed to raising an additional $1500 in support of this program. Within a week more than 20% of this goal was reached through private donors. Added to this, the success of the May 4th event gave the Board enough confidence to move forward and immediately award our first scholarship to Jean-Ronel Joseph. Beyond deserving this scholarship for his academics and determination, Jean deserves this award for his efforts in support of Be the Power of One. Jean has been in the classroom with us since day one in 2010. He has keep us informed and updated with ongoing school projects and the school well project. Jean-Ronel is the perfect person to receive our first scholarship and we look forward with excitement to seeing what he'll accomplish in the future. Here is an email from Jean-Ronel thanking our Board.
To:The Board of be the power of one.
Greetings in the name of the risen Lord,hope this letter finds all of you well.I would like to say thank you in advance for the money because it is going to be able to help me to materialize my dream which is to go to Saint Vincent to study Theology.With this money i will bay:The ticket which is around 900 to 1000 USD,The visa which is 200 USD ,A Lap top,Bus fair to go Santo Domingo,fee to stay at Hotel there for two days because there is no England Ambassy in Haiti so i have to go Santo Domingo first from Santo Domingo to Saint Vincent,personal items like: suitcase,clothes,brush,toothpaste,soap,shampoo etc.....
For now i count on you because i believe this goal is already achieved. my God richly bless you all now and forever.
sincerly, Jean-Ronel JOSEPH
Again this year Jean-Ronel will play a big part in the summer program at the Pignon school. He is currently lining up a number of friends that will help us in the classroom. Each year the number of students grows throughout the week to the point that by Friday we have upwards of 200 young students. I am reminded every year just how much energy young kids have. We will be taking more sports equipment this year in hopes of burning some of that energy off outside.
As the trip gets closer (we are still looking at July 21-29th) we'll continue to update plans. We have started a Rosetta Stone French program that should help in several different ways. Also, many readers have asked if there are certain items they can donate for the summer program. This will be one of the places to look for that information or you can find us on Facebook at:
Thanks for all the continued support and encouragement!!
Our May 4th "Wine and Art Event" at Cool Bean Cafe in Oakhurst, CA was a fun and tasty evening with 40-50 folks enjoying some award winning local wines and hearing the story of Be the Power of One. The main fundraising focus for the evening was to build support for our Higher Education Scholarship program that supports post high school educational programs for deserving students. In April the Board of Directors took a bold step and committed to raising an additional $1500 in support of this program. Within a week more than 20% of this goal was reached through private donors. Added to this, the success of the May 4th event gave the Board enough confidence to move forward and immediately award our first scholarship to Jean-Ronel Joseph. Beyond deserving this scholarship for his academics and determination, Jean deserves this award for his efforts in support of Be the Power of One. Jean has been in the classroom with us since day one in 2010. He has keep us informed and updated with ongoing school projects and the school well project. Jean-Ronel is the perfect person to receive our first scholarship and we look forward with excitement to seeing what he'll accomplish in the future. Here is an email from Jean-Ronel thanking our Board.
To:The Board of be the power of one.
Greetings in the name of the risen Lord,hope this letter finds all of you well.I would like to say thank you in advance for the money because it is going to be able to help me to materialize my dream which is to go to Saint Vincent to study Theology.With this money i will bay:The ticket which is around 900 to 1000 USD,The visa which is 200 USD ,A Lap top,Bus fair to go Santo Domingo,fee to stay at Hotel there for two days because there is no England Ambassy in Haiti so i have to go Santo Domingo first from Santo Domingo to Saint Vincent,personal items like: suitcase,clothes,brush,toothpaste,soap,shampoo etc.....
For now i count on you because i believe this goal is already achieved. my God richly bless you all now and forever.
sincerly, Jean-Ronel JOSEPH
Again this year Jean-Ronel will play a big part in the summer program at the Pignon school. He is currently lining up a number of friends that will help us in the classroom. Each year the number of students grows throughout the week to the point that by Friday we have upwards of 200 young students. I am reminded every year just how much energy young kids have. We will be taking more sports equipment this year in hopes of burning some of that energy off outside.
As the trip gets closer (we are still looking at July 21-29th) we'll continue to update plans. We have started a Rosetta Stone French program that should help in several different ways. Also, many readers have asked if there are certain items they can donate for the summer program. This will be one of the places to look for that information or you can find us on Facebook at:
Thanks for all the continued support and encouragement!!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
An Amazing Ride
When we started Be the Power of One it was an adventure that came from the heart. We didn't spend a lot of time thinking about what we were getting ourselves into. I'd guess this is how successful non-profits start. Now at times it feels like we are just hanging on for an amazing ride. The last 48hrs. have been wonderful with so many of you joining the Be the Power of One family through Facebook. We truely feel connected to you all. Our Facebook link:
Over the weekend Pastor Carsel sent us the tentative dates for this year's summer school program in Pignon, Haiti. Looks like we'll be making the trip the last week of July. For those of you who have wanted to join us, we'll get travel details later. On the schedule will be another trip to Cap Haitian for textbooks and fabric for more uniforms. You can see in this picture that Smepha, who lives with her Mom and two sisters, got all dressed up for school pictures.
May 4th Wine and Art Event
Here is a link to a few pictures from our May 4th Wine and Art Event. It was a fun evening with 40-50 supporters stopping by Cool Bean Cafe in Oakhurst, CA to view photos from Haiti, enjoy some tasty treats (thanks to MaryAnn Ziegler), sample some fabulous Sierra foothill wines and hear our story. These events go a long way to support educational opportunities in Haiti. We will have to do more of these fun events!!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
You just gotta smile....
Meet Wandley Elie, he is one of our students at the school in Pignon. He is sporting his new uniform that was made by a local seamstress with fabric that your donations to Be the Power of One purchased. Wandley and his five brothers keep his father, Jeremie (a farmer) and his mother, Josette (a saleswomen) very busy. Wandley's big smile is an indication of how much he enjoys school. Our programs, focused on improving education, continue to support school staffing, provide classroom supplies and help to insure that students get a healthy lunch each school day. It only takes $10 per month to provide schooling and lunches for these students. Thanks for your support and encouragement!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Learning Patience, One of Life's Lessons
We have learned so many life lessons through Be the Power of One. One of the biggest things that Haiti has taught us is to be patient. Things in Haiti seldom run as smoothly or as efficiently as they do in the States. That being said we wanted to share some pictures Jean Ronal has sent us from Pignon. These are shots he took of the students with their Christmas packages. These beautiful bags were decorated by the Bradford and Van Wert families during our Thanksgiving holiday 2011. We shipped these off just a short time later to Pastor Carsel in Miami and he forwarded them on to Haiti. We'll know next year to send these off earlier, another life lesson, since the packages arrived only last month. Hope the contents of the cookie tins for the teachers stay fresh....
Prior to the Christmas packages we'd mailed off a couple of boxes of school supplies. These items were additional school supplies that we could not fit in the five suitcases we hand delivered in August. Like always, it is with a great sense of accomplishment that we share these photos with all of you. It is through your generosity that we are able to provide school supplies and contribute to financial support for the teaching staff. The school supplies, Christmas packages along with the new uniforms and school desks you see here are the results of your willingness to support Be the Power of One. Please take a moment to click the tabs above to find out "How You Can Help" and our "Send a Student to School" program. Thanks again, keep coming back for future updates...
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Seaching for Food in Haiti
Several days ago we sent a number of emails to organizations in Haiti asking about connections for providing food to the school in Pignon. This is a project we will continue to explore but we wanted to share just one of the wonderful replys we recieved. This is from Orphans International Helpline (OIH)
Hi Tim,
May God bless you and your friends for caring for these children in Pignon, Haiti....
The OIH center in Bombardopolis, where we provide food for the children and the community, is located quite a distance from Pignon. We do not currently serve that area.
Bombardopolis is located in the northern west of Haiti. It is quite remote so we are limited to where we get our supplies. We get most of our provisions for the children in Gonaive, which is a 4 or more hour drive.
OIH is a very small non-profit organization but we would be happy to share whatever we have if any of the children from Pignon find their way into the Bombardopolis area. Just have them ask where the OIH center is and ask for Pastor Paul Florvilus, the brother of OIH's co-founder Pastor Jean Florvilus. Tell the children to mention my name Alvie Bello.
Alvie Bello
"Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better." Colossians 1:10
These are the kind of messages we receive that keep us all going.
Tim and Susan
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Concert at Minarets High School (O'Neals, CA) "Jamstock 2012"
Here is a link to a promotional video that was done by Harley and Scoop, students and rockers at Minarets High School, who are organizing and performing at a Beatles vs. Stones concert to raise funds for Be the Power of One. If you're in the Coarsegold-O'Neals area May 5th, BE THERE !!!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Sean Penn and Oprah in Haiti
This is a wonderful short video which was part of an interview that Ophrah did with Sean Penn in Haiti. Sean Penn has been in Haiti since the earthquake in 2010 and has done some amazing things with his organization, J/P HRO. Check it out.....
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
North Fork School
Yesterday we spoke with a combined class of 1st and 8th graders at the North Fork School in central California. Our presentation was a little geography, a little history and a lot of comparing a typical day in the life of a California student to that of a Haitian student. The students asked some very good questions and were surprise at the limited opportunities Haitian students have. We shared with them our belief that education is the best way to end poverty. These students have decided to make Be the Power of One a month long focus in their fund raising efforts to help make the world a better place. We appreciate the chance to share our story and applaud the students and staff at North Fork School for their efforts to make a difference.
Speaking of history, did you know that it was the Haitian slave revolt at the end of the 18th century that facilitated the French selling the Louisiana Territory to the United States? They needed the money to support the war effort in Haiti. The map of the US may have looked very different if it wasn't for the Haitian revolt.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Looking for Facebook Fans
Go to the Be the Power of One facebook page to see more smiling faces of kids that need a little help to go to school. And don’t forget to share with all your friends to help us meet our goal of 250 Facebook Fans by the end of the month.
What do we mean by Be the Power of One? A dollar here & a dollar there has added up. We’ve been able to support a school with supplies, text books, food and teachers salaries so that over 100 kids will get a chance to make a difference in their community and world. That’s the power of one, that’s the power of education. Did you know that education is the best way to fight poverty? Educated women marry later, have fewer children and are better able to care of their families. Children born to educated women stand a better chance of surviving past the age of five. Educated people enjoy better health through better hygiene and improved crops. And there is less violent crime among the educated. That’s what $10 a month buys. How’s that for an investment!?
To make a donation of any size go to the "How You Can Help" tab above. Thanks!!
What do we mean by Be the Power of One? A dollar here & a dollar there has added up. We’ve been able to support a school with supplies, text books, food and teachers salaries so that over 100 kids will get a chance to make a difference in their community and world. That’s the power of one, that’s the power of education. Did you know that education is the best way to fight poverty? Educated women marry later, have fewer children and are better able to care of their families. Children born to educated women stand a better chance of surviving past the age of five. Educated people enjoy better health through better hygiene and improved crops. And there is less violent crime among the educated. That’s what $10 a month buys. How’s that for an investment!?
To make a donation of any size go to the "How You Can Help" tab above. Thanks!!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Busy week for Be the Power of One!
What an exciting week & it's only Wednesday! We had a meeting yesterday with a group at Minarets High School to begin planning of their concert in May to benefit Be the Power of One. This will be great event, and we are forever thankful to the students and staff at Minarets who are a joy to work with. Stay tuned for more information. Today we had a presentation with an amazing group of about 40 women at Stone Croft Ministries. We so appreciate the opportunity to talk with them - they seemed interested in our story, asked some good questions and were very generous with their donations.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Send a Student to School
By: Be the Power of One
Photos: 2..
Monday, February 6, 2012
Another Great Connection
Yesterday we had a great meeting with Pastor Cody Gunderson at the Yosemite Lakes Community Church in Coarsegold, Calif. He's a really dynamic speaker and great storyteller. A group from his church has made several trips to Haiti, the latest group is headed out in two weeks, where they support a variety of projects in and around Port-au-Prince. We share some of the same feelings of being overwhelmed by the level of need wherever you turn. It becomes necessary to focus on what you are doing to improve conditions and realize that it will take a mamouth effort and many years to rebuild Port-au-Prince. We talked a little about rural Haiti, Pignon in particular, and how different the needs are there compared to the city. Infrastructure may be a mess in Port-au-Prince but it is almost nonexistant in rural areas. Someday we may get a chance to work together on a project. What a wonderful group of people with lots of energy and serious interest in helping the world community.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Yoga Mat Alert!!!
O.k. all, here's a challenge. Last time we were in Haiti, we had a chance to talk with the teachers at the school in Pignon. One thing they asked for was nap mats for the young kids (remember kindergarten, milk & graham crackers & a nap?). Anyway, what we're looking for is any clean, gently used (or new) yoga mats sitting around collecting dust. Let us know & we'll arrange a way to get them to us. & don't forget to spread the word!
Monday, January 30, 2012
What a great question?
Last week when we were in So. Calif a couple of people asked if there was a list of items needed for Haiti. A list...what a great idea. We'll have to work on that. But until then, our initial response has always been, "They need everything and nothing will go to waste." We realize that isn't a very clear message so here goes...things we always need donated are; toothbrushes and toothpaste (ask you...r dentist to donate his samples), #2 pencils, coloring books, crayons, markers, scotch tape, spiral notebooks, jump ropes, inflatable balls/toys, small toys, play-doh and other school supplies that are hard to break during shipping. Hope this helps. We have people in Southern and Central California that can pick items up which will save shipping costs. Thanks!!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Next Week's Event
Spent some time this evening getting together prints from Haiti for next week's fundraiser at the Bradfords in Claremont. Little wine, some appetizers and then tell the story of Be the Power of One. The prints have been a fun way to raise funds. Some of the shots were taken by us and others by Jean Ronal. Someday we hope to have these available to purchase directly from the website.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
There will be more on this later but...just last night we set up a Facebook page for Be the Power of One. It was so easy, alot of fun and we're really excited about using this as a way to keep everyone updated on what is going on. Soon we will be including a "button" so people will be able to donate with their credit or debit card directly from this blog, the FB page or emails. Boy, the 21st century is amazing....
Today Susan and I had an interview with Kevin Lowry, a State Farm insurance agent, who is making us the first recipient of his new "Bobcat Award" he states that "the primary goal is to encourage & promote positive community efforts and unselfish acts". We are honored to be recognized and look forward to hearing about future recipients. I've attached Kevin's Facebook link for more info. Thanks Kevin!!!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Thanks All for an Amazing 2011
We would like to express our gratitude for the support you've shown over the last year to Be the Power of One. Without this support, and your encouragement, throughout the year our efforts would have been much more difficult. This last year was eventful, exciting, gratifying and in some cases exhausting. Our August trip to Pignon allowed us to see some of the reconstruction progress that has been made in Port-au-Prince. The presence of heavy equipment loaded with rubble was evidence that the clean up was in full swing. On the outskirts of Port-au-Prince we saw the construction of new home tracks being built. We are sure this must be a welcome sight for Haitians who, after almost two years, are still living in tents.
It was very good to be back in Pignon. We felt more at home and much less anxious about what adventures this trip would bring. We did have plenty of adventures involving travels over Haiti’s wicked dirt roads but those stories are for another time. It was great to see old friends and to meet many new ones. We continue to be amazed at the hospitality and friendliness of the Haitian people. We were blessed this year with six young men that helped us with the students. Their assistance was invaluable. By the end of the week we had well over 200 young students in a single classroom. We could not have managed without their help.
Here is a listing of what your collective support was able to provide:
1. Drilling of a well on the school property including a secured cinder block housing. Major support came from Oakhurst Sierra, Oakhurst Sierra Sunrise and Tracy Rotary Clubs.
2. Outdoor recreational equipment, craft supplies, toys and personal hygiene items for the students at the summer program.
3. Several hot lunches for the 200 summer school students
4. Four large boxes of miscellaneous school supplies; pencils, crayons, paper, paints, dictionaries, rulers, staplers and staples, folders, etc.
5. Christmas shipment of 100 gift bags for student plus small gifts for school staff
6. Construction of school desks for two classrooms
7. School uniforms for students
8. Three sets of textbooks for each classroom
9. One year’s worth of workbooks for primary grade classes
There are probably some things we missed on this list, even so this is a tremendous amount of work completed. We are very grateful to you, as is Pastor Carsel and the students and families of Pignon. 2011 was a good year with so much accomplished.
We look forward to expanding our efforts in 2012. We would love to drill another well with the help of Haiti Outreach (they are amazing), and we’re looking to support a second school. We are currently setting up a college scholarship program to benefit some of the young people who are anxious to further their education. It costs about $1,500 per year, including books, tuition and travel expenses, to attend University in Haiti, and this is well beyond the means of most families there. We also hope to expand our Send a Student to School program with a goal of 100 donors by year end. This program is based on the idea that it only takes $10 per month per student to support a school and is an affordable way to make a big difference.
These are big plans we have that will take the efforts of many people. We ask for your continued encouragement and support. Please know that whatever form or amount your support comes in it will be put to good use.
Thanks so much !!
Tim and Susan Madden
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